Ward 7 City Council Candidate Corrine Rahman Meets With Greenspace Alliance

On August 12th I met with Corrine Rahman, who is a candidate for London City Council in Ward 7.

Corrine was a schoolboard trustee. She was also a member of Matt Brown’s staff while he was London’s mayor.  She is currently a professor in the Business Management program at Fanshawe.

Corrine is a person with a lot of government experience.  She impressed me as being a good person to answer questions about the ins and outs of city government. She seems to know the process of how to get things done in London’s city government.

We met in Corrine’s ward and, as she looked around, she expressed concern about what we perceived to be “treeless sprawl”. Corrine expressed concern about trees being removed in her ward. She struck me as a person with great passion about protecting and expanding London’s tree canopy.

I liked Corrine and enjoyed speaking with her. I look forward to hearing more from her and her campaign for the City Council seat in Ward 7.